These are the charitable causes that are important to YOU.
A few years ago I began asking patients for recommendations on end-of-year giving, to add to my favorites (check the 5 most recent blog posts for more details starting with this first one)
These are the five that were added this year…
Westside Baby
Providing basic supplies for children of families in need
Not having had the experience of parenting an infant myself, I have the utmost respect and awe for that undertaking and am also blissfully ignorant about it. Until it was brought to my attention by a patient, I really had never considered what would happen if someone didn’t have the resources for basic supplies like diapers and clothes for their young ones. We all know those little monkeys seem to grow overnight – outgrowing these supplies in the blink of an eye, and apparently it’s not unusual to need several “wardrobe changes” per day.
Not everyone has a supportive circle of family and friends to shower them with gifts. This is where Westside Baby steps in. You can read more about how they help families by following this link
Teen Feed
Responding to basic needs of homeless and at-risk youth.
Another amazing cause I would never have known of, if one of my patients hadn’t brought it to my attention.
As you know from my previous post about it, the area of mental and emotional health is important to me and especially in regards to a person’s overall well-being. The predicaments of the homeless are invariably linked in some way to brain and behavioral disorders either affecting them directly or via their families of origin.
We’re all just a single life circumstance away from being in need just like these teens. Getting help during this formative time in life is essential and can have a huge impact.
Ravenna Strings Orchestra
An inclusive, low-pressure environment fostering music and the love of music in an accessible way for the everyday person and the casual musician.
This is a community-centered orchestra (Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center) that now comprises 2 groups as it’s grown since its inception in 1996.
It’s an organization that is important to yet another one of my patients, who understands and experiences first-hand the health benefits of making music and being part of a like-minded community. I admire and applaud the well-rounded life and sometimes it’s the arts that provide that x-factor, which can make life feel worth living.
Hernandez-Foy Second Chance Scholarship Endowment Fund
A fund created through the Edmonds Community College Foundation, to provide encouragement and a “second chance” for students with histories of incarceration or homelessness.
The college website says it best: “This scholarship recognizes the courage and fortitude demonstrated by those individuals who have lost everything but continue to strive toward a better life. The scholarship is intended to help provide an opportunity for these students to experience the transformative benefits of higher education. The donors hope that in receiving the award, students will, in turn, be inspired to pay it forward and help others to achieve their aspirations as well.”
Everyone deserves a second chance.
6 Dogrees Dog Rescue
A second chance for dogs!

This one was added to the list three years ago, not only from the inspiration by a patient who is deeply committed to the organization, but also because my latest four-legged family member came to me through them! Anyone who frequents the office knows there is an official office-dog on duty now. Luna is the perfect addition to the peaceful and healing environment and she provides much needed comic relief just by being her unique little self.

I’m firmly of the belief that the dogs “rescue” us, not the other way around. She was originally my older dog’s pick – they were fast friends and each other’s support system. It wasn’t until that older dog passed away that Luna and I got to know each other better. It’s changed my life and helped to bridge a difficult time in ways that I could not have anticipated.
A lot of the 6 Dogrees Rescue dogs come from California where the shelters have a high rate of euthanasia. So for the most part, these pups are literally escaping death.
Gratitude and respect to all who dedicate so much to the care and re-homing of all animals.
Conversation Starter:
What causes are important to you? Who would you donate to if you had the dollars to spare?

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